In many religions, HELL is believed to be a PLACE of torment where wicked souls suffer forever; however, AiShaoi have revealed that hell is not an afterlife destination for unbelievers, but rather, the consolidated chaotic realm of all wicked souls who fight against all that is right and pure. HELL is defined as a nation, a group of persons of common culture and descent (as in going downward and coming from the same family, of horrible wickedness.

The citizens of the nation of HELL are evil monsters, cruel beasts, who live to devour all who do right. (On Good and Evil)

The citizens of HELL want to either slay the righteous in order to cease their righteous deeds or to convince them to give up what is right and take up evil thoughts, attitudes, deeds, and practices. They live by evil animal instinct, to please themselves at the fatal expense of others. They may appear to be rational and intellectual, but truly they are foolish and obstinate, refusing to accept the truth.